By Ernie Delfin
Habits are funny creatures. Good ones are difficult to acquire but bad
ones just happens. Good habits are
formed over time like rocks. Habits are
what our character is made of
The realization that as I grow older, there
are more and more things I can no longer
compelled me to write my thoughts and leave a legacy to others,
especially my loved ones. In my
youth, I thought I am superman and as
such, money will always be there as I can easily earn my keep. But as work becomes less enjoying and
gardening more fulfilling, my paradigm
has changed as I like many people never wish to retire broke or die penniless. As growing old is mandatory but retiring independently is
Habits are what personal character is made of, and basically they come in just two varieties: good and bad.
Some people act as if their habits were as predetermined as their blood type and are about as likely to ever change. But there are a select few who live by the truth: It is possible to learn good habits and unlearn bad ones, no matter how ingrained they are. It's all a matter of choice.
The secret of learning good habits or breaking bad ones is in choosing to repeat—or refrain from doing—something over and over and over again until it becomes a natural response, a habit.
Want to become more financially responsible? Here are the habits of those who are. Consciously focus on these actions, then repeat them over and over until they become natural responses.
Habit 1: Financially responsible people know their income (cash coming in) and the money going out (obligations) every month. They calculate a current balance after every transaction and always know the exact state of their money.
Habit 2: Financially responsible people know what their needs are versus their wants. They think consciously of every purchase. Thinking means weighing needs and acknowledging wants. It means exercising discipline and delaying gratification—saving the money first and then buying the item.
Habit 3: Financially responsible people live within their means and save money consistently. They never spend all they have because they are habitual savers. They see saving as a long-term process and make the sacrifices necessary to reach their goals. They are patient, steady, consistent and find saving money to be a necessity.

Habit 4: Financially responsible people buy basic insurance against premature death and catasthropic evens. They also fund their own emergencies. They don't buy into the notion that the purpose of credit cards is to pay for unexpected emergencies. Financially responsible people realize that life happens, and so they maintain significant emergency funds. Just in case.
Habit 5: Financially responsible people know their financial condition precisely. These folks usually know within a few bucks the current balance on their mortgage or other secured loans. They regularly update their net worth, which is the difference between the value of their assets and their liabilities. They make each financial move in light of the effect it will have on their net worth.
Habit 6: Financially responsible people refuse to live under the fantasy of entitlement. While others feel entitled to run up huge credit-card debt simply because they have an approved limit and uncontrollable desires, financially responsible people don't approach life with this feeling of entitlement. They are not driven to keep up with their neighbors at any cost. They are content to live within the limitations of their income.
Habit 7:
Habit 8:
Habit 9:
Habit 10:
Becoming financially responsible is a process. I sabotaged myself for many years, convinced that I could never change. But I was wrong. I have changed and continue to make new progress every single day.
It all starts with a single step: A decision to become financially responsible. And then it's just one step at a time—again and again. One good habit after another. EC
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