Thursday, April 11, 2013


By Ernie D. Delfin
Asst. Gov. 5320 & District Chair, Club Development
Member, Newport Irvine Rotary Club


      Happy and an exciting New Year to everyone!

       If you were like most people, another set of resolutions has been thought of and are probably being implemented each day for a few weeks and even months. By mid-summer, however, most of such resolutions  would have evaporated with the wind and set us  back to our personal  thermostat that we have unconsciously set for ourselves.  That is also often true to many Rotary Clubs all over the world. For many RCs that are struggling to fulfill their ambitious 2006-07 goals, especially on membership and retention or having exciting programs, it is never too late to begin and be on the right tract.  January is the most natural  month to start anew.  Decide to have a bold mid-year commitment to do something different to create a new paradigm in your club. Do not be that “insane” leader of your club.  “Insanity” being defined here as doing the same things over and over again and still expecting a different result!

         One proven way of being on tract and to inspire your club membership (for any organization or business enterprise for that matter) is to involve them by going through a mid-year Strategic Planning using the popular S.W.O.T.  method.  For small clubs, invite (require is probably more appropriate) and involve the entire club membership; for the bigger clubs, the club officers and board of directors should be sufficient.  If moderated by an experienced facilitator, this SWOT exercise can be very stimulating and will produce a united course of action to chart your club  into orbit.  It is a TEAM effort to move any club or any organization  to greater heights. No leader in any club or in any district can do it alone. The term “Equality of Sacrifice”,  the marching order of then Chrysler Chairman Lee Iacocca  to all his employees decades ago in his mission to revive the bankrupt Chrysler Corp. (and he was successful!) comes to mind as his  concept and/or philosophy can also apply to all  Rotary Clubs. Each Rotarian must do his/her part and sacrifice something of value (time, talent, and treasure) for the greater good.
        For instance, to increase club membership by ten percent can be very easy to achieve if there is a collective will to do it.  How?  Just divide the club membership into ten groups and challenge (and reward) each group to invite  potential members strategically and from those invited guests, a recruit will appear in 30-60 days.  I know it works as I have recruited a dozen Rotary Club members last year, unfortunately, they joined different clubs and districts internationally. More than half of those signed up to become charter members of the emerging Westminster Global City RC are invited by me, however, several decided to join other clubs in the district nearer their homes or places of business.  (So, PDG Grant and other charter members of Westminster Global City RC,  we all  have to work overtime beginning January 2007!) 
          Having visited more than half of all the clubs of District 5320 the last two years,  I believe there is great  room for improvement  in many clubs. Every Rotarian has ideas or solutions to make their club more dynamic.  However any individual idea alone cannot move the club to become more dynamic or progressive unless it done and supported by the club.  The majority  of the club membership must OWN its program and support it wholeheartedly to become a more effective club and in the process making each member a prouder Rotarian.  The SWOT analysis method can be a great tool in coming up with such a strategic plan.
          S.W.O.T.  simply means Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, Threats. (You can google SWOT in the internet and get many helpful articles about it with suggested format.)   I recommend that each struggling club  in order to put some sharks in its tank should devote a 3-5 hour session to really discuss and analyze their club’s  peculiarities or characteristics using this proven SWOT method.  I often use this effective tool to help my clients that hire me as their business consultant.
           A few months ago, I took an unprecedented and bold action in including  a SWOT exercise in our Planning Session of the Filipino American Chamber of Commerce of OC, where I was elected president,  to inject a new paradigm and fresh perspectives into this 12 year old organization.  I was thrilled and surprised that the two hour that I allotted for the SWOT discussion seemed not enough as many ideas surfaced  by each group (I divided the board into four groups)  On the second part of the session all the sub-groups were reunited into one  group as we all summarized on huge white boards the nouns and adjectives that came up from all the sub-groups under each letter of S.W.O.T.   As everyone was then emotionally involved, it became very easy to come up with our collective strategic solutions to address the weaknesses and threats utilizing the strengths and opportunities that were unveiled and discovered.  Each director became an OWNER of the solutions that we are now adopting during this chamber fiscal year. Corollary to that exercise, I also tried a fun “Values Auction Game” that reflected where the passions of each member lie, the result of which became  my basis for asking some of the directors to chair a specific committee or assignment.
         Any Rotary Club that wishes to try these outside-the-box-ideas in their club meeting or board meeting may contact me for help.  I can  help to facilitate your SWOT Session Exercise.  I have done it many times and I can assure you it is very stimulating exercise and who knows you can discover an eagle or two from your dormant membership.  For the love of Rotary, I would not even bill you for my professional fees; probably a small check contribution to the District 5320 Charitable Foundation c/o the Newport Irvine RC is more than enough.
              Good luck and have a more exciting 2007 everyone!

                                                   * * * * *
     As it is the start of the New Year,  let me share with my readers RESOLUTIONS hanging  in my home office for decades now  that always brings me to my true north compass whenever I am disillusioned in this topsy-turvy world:

     R   E   S  O   L  U  T   I   O  N   S

 No one will ever get out of this world alive.
 Resolve therefore to maintain a reasonable
                sense of values.

Take care of yourself. Good health is everyone’s
          major source of wealth.
Without it, happiness is almost impossible.

Resolve to be cheerful & helpful.
People will repay  you in kind.

Avoid angry, abrasive persons.
They are generally vengeful.

Avoid zealots.  They are generally humorless.

Resolve to listen more & to talk less.
No one ever learns anything by talking.

Be chary of giving advice. Wise men don’t need it
      and fools won’t heed it.

Resolve to be tender with the young, compassionate
      with the aged, sympathetic with the striving & tolerant of the
      weak and strong.  Sometime in life you will have
      been all of these.

Do not equate money with success.
There are many successful money-makers who are  
   miserable  failures as human beings.
What counts most about success is how a person achieves it.

                                                              By Lloyd Shearer

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