Thursday, April 11, 2013



                                                                         Newport Beach, California                      
                                                                                          November 1, 2008

Dear Mr. Bolante:
                                    “All that is necessary for evil to triumph is
                                      that all good men  do nothing!” - -  Edmund Burke

           You and I have never met, and probably will never do.  You do not know me as I am just a simple guy, doing the best I can do for my family, my community both locally and internationally as a Rotarian for about ten years now and as one member of one race, the Human Race. 

          Before this infamous Philippine “Fertilizer Scam”  where your name has been linked so many times,  I was very proud of you , then, as you were the highest ranking Filipino in the Rotary International hierarchy and  had the great potential  to become the second Filipino (first was M.A.T. Caparas in 1985-1986)  RI president in the near future.   It’s with great tragedy that your name was very much associated with this “fertilizer anomaly”  that  obviously caused great harm to your family name, your reputation and probably even a threat to your own life and  family (according to many fellow Rotarians in the Philippines who know you well) as you were apparently made a pawn (like in chess) protecting the “Queen and the King” of the Philippines.

         Because you are  a Rotarian like yours truly, I also got affected somehow when my fellow American Rotarian friends teased me unceasingly just to ask you for some matching funds for our projects and that you were the greatest “JOKE” of Rotary.    Yes,  Mr. Bolante, although it seems grossly unfair, we  Filipino Rotarians have become the butt of unflattering jokes.  It’s sad and it  hurts.

           Although you probably have not been attending Rotary meetings for a couple of years now since your detention in the USA and now  in your hospital/hotel bed at St. Lukes,  I dare say that you still remember the good times, the many pleasant things,  fellowships, teachings and joys that you have experienced in Rotary that left indelible marks  in the deep recesses of your soul as Rotary did to many true Rotarians, including me.   I  like to believe that you have also  read the lives of many  great men (like Rizal, Gandhi, Mandela as  and recent Filipino martyrs Ninoy and Evelio Javier)  and many Saints (who did not sell their souls despite an impending death, like John the Baptist and many martyrs of the world)  and I just hope and pray those GREAT men and women whose spirit and lives serve as your inspiration ( root word “IN SPIRIT”) as you face more  trials in the  last half or last quarter  of your earthly life.  

          As one  human being who is doing something to make this world a better place for my children and their children, and a passionate  Rotarian trying to follow the  OBJECTIVES OF ROTARY and adhering  to the tenets of our FOUR WAY TEST ( Is it the TRUTH?  Is it FAIR to all concerned? Will it build GOODWILL and BETTER FRIENDSHIPS?  Will it be BENEFICIAL to all concerned?) which is a living  embodiment of the TEN COMMANDMENTS,   I am writing this OPEN LETTER to you, with an ardent prayer that GOD will guide you and give you the courage to do what is RIGHT and not just what is convenient  today,  to  be able to discern and follow GOD (God Orderly Direction) during these coming days/weeks when you have to face the music and bare all that you know about this alleged scam that involved huge amounts of public money.   

         As a father and husband,  I too can empathize with your  present predicament.   I heard you  also rose to fame and wealth because you are  intelligent who  worked hard for what you want in your life and for your family. But all these  things (including our own physical bodies) are all finite things, and soon all these things will come to pass.  After death, only the memory, our legacy, and our Spirit live on.  In the final analysis,  our life is God’s gift to us, and what we do with our lives is our gift to God.

          As you pray for wisdom and guidance for that bold  and tough decision to testify (before the Senate and/or the Ombudsman office)  I will also  include you in my prayers  today’s mass and my daily prayers this week.

          May the Redeemer of Humanity, our Lord Jesus Christ, fortify your mind and give you the strength to carry on and to make you physically and mental fit  to undergo more trials of your life.

          I realized it is easier said than done but be consoled by the admonition in the Bible that says: “Be not afraid, I am with you always.”  and  “The truth shall set you free!” God bless and protect you and your family, Mr. Bolante!

Praying for a better, more progressive
 and a moral Philippines as true Rotarians

Ernie Delfin, PP and Past AG
Newport Irvine Rotary Club
District 5320,  Southern Calif.

                       THE SEVEN SINS IN OUR WORLD TODAY:

1.    Wealth without Work.
2.     Pleasure without Conscience
3.    Knowledge without Character.
4.    Commerce without Morality.
5.    Science without Humanity.
6.    Worship without Sacrifice.
7.     Politics without principles.

                                                            -----Mahatma Gandhi

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