Thursday, April 11, 2013


By Ernie D. Delfin


                    Whenever  first generation  Filipinos  in America  have a social gathering (we make up many excuses, like birthdays at any age or anniversaries for any occasion,  just to be together),   conversations always lead to our “lives” in the Philippines.  Nostalgia always comes to visit us.  Funny, while Filipinos live here, they want to go back to the Philippines; but after a few months there, they want to be in the States.  Man is really never satisfied.   The irony of life, I suppose.
           Today’s column is about these ironies of life, daily frustrations of things beyond one’s control but  sprinkled with hopes and pounds of optimism with  humor  just to dispel the wrong perception that this writer is always a serious writer who never knows how to have fun.                                                                                   
              To plagiarize   David Letterman’s  TOP TEN List,   I would like  to also  share my  TOP 10  “WISH LIST”    for my suffering   Philippines especially that the  Christmas Season is  just around the corner:   Are you ready to read some outside- the-box-ideas?
           #10.    To  require all  government officials to use aliases,  ( not just Erap Estrada using Jose Velarde or  the Arroyo brothers (was  it the Fat Guy…errr First Gentleman  or  the smaller one, named Iggy (that  is also the name of my son’s lizard)  that the FG can easily bully) using Jose Pidal.  Reason:  So that the last  names of the guilty  will remain “pure” as it will  affect the reputation of  their many children’s  whether they are born within or outside marriage.   I like the name Pidal  as it is reminiscent of Apo (meaning Lord, not drug or jueteng Lord) Marcos’  admonition to the Filipino people” “Sa ikakaunlad ng bayan, bisikleta ang kailangan”  That was 30 years ago.  Now, under an economist president, the national motto seems to be:  “Dahil hindi mo pa kaya ang  bumili ng motorsiklo, kailangang magPIDAL  kang maghapon upang umunlad ang pamilya mo!”  (Come to think we are already  in the 21st century!)
       #9.         To  grant  amnesty  to all political prisoners to manifest  that the GMA administration  really believes   compassion to all the   junior  mutineers (officers) who were just trying to become like their superiors  (generals) who have already acquired mansions  and/or   operating some lucrative  businesses.  As  the Malacanang occupant is a devout Catholic,  she should practice what the Church teaches  that “to err is human but to forgive is divine.”  I do not know if that move, however, will make a strong republic.                                   
              #8.   That both Bishops Yalung  and   Bacani  be given a lucrative  book contract to write their beastly… err  priestly memoirs  with their “divine” (or earthly)  loves with women  who  always  pray the “Our Father” to lead them NOT into temptation.    If their  books ever  become best sellers, they  should be made into a movie  with  suggested titles  such as:  “Hindi Na  Ako Nag-iisa”  or  “Sa Pagkat Ako’y  Tao Lamang at  Mali…” (you may add a 3-letter word that sounds and spells like a “bug”).   Rationale:  The profits should  support  Yalung’s offsprings and beneficiaries or “victims” and not use  church funds  for their earthly (mis)adventures.  
                  # 7.     That  the Philippine  National Police  hire  the escaped convict Fathur Rohman al-Ghozi or any of the Abu Sayyaff piracy leaders (hopefully they  are captured alive, not killed and silenced forever)  to advise  the military   how to make more money  from prison cells as soldiers are miserably underpaid  but not necessarily hungry or emaciated.   Again,   a  movie could  be done  about these Great Escapes. To entice millions of  moviegoers, the title should be  “Damned the  Military”  or “Dumb and Dumber Soldiers of Today”.  The profits should be utilized to hire more  consultants from the Underworld Academy to teach our  military leaders from our elite PMA how to build a  “network” with the criminal elements  for some  future  or  potential benefits.
               # 6   That the  Philippine government should  enter into a  working agreement  or economic treaty with as many governments in the world that the Philippines, for pecuniary considerations,  provide the necessary number of  Filipinas  (not maids)  who are college graduates  who can do any household work  and  nanny responsibilities to  all  foreign government officials’  families.  This arrangement will definitely prevent  more AIDS  (Acute Income Deficiency Syndrome) in the country that will also help the  SARS (Severe Absence of Romance and Sex) epidemic  that leads to population reduction  in the countryside
              The expected revenues from this government to government treaty   can then  help build   a modern college  to prepare  our  young people to become our future  nanny  and maidtech exports.  To prevent traumatic cultural shocks of  our Filipinas who will be working  abroad,     foreign “professors” should be hired to  train these students the  proper deportment or  decorum whenever these future  “modern day heroes” are  reprimanded or abused   by  their masters who may speak neither English nor any Filipino dialect.
                 #5    That the Philippine Congress should have Special  Extravaganza as a major fundraising to be able to augment more funds to the Congressmen and Senators’ meager pork barrel by hosting  a  “Congressman or Senator  Wrestling  a  Crocodile” …. This can be done  a few times a week to provide not only pure entertainment, like the Gladiators in Ancient Rome,  but also a good stress reliever activity for our overworked senators and Congressmen in their investigative and grandstanding work.  
           Secretary Gordon  can  use this out-of-this-world extravaganza in his WOW advertisements to lure more foreigners to visit the country.  This will not only be a good show of sportsmanship for our distinguished and hardly working senatongs and tongressmen but also to showcase our Philippine raised crocodiles known for their thick skins and never ending appetites to the entire world. (Secretary Gordon,  I will guarantee that our Progressive Times will help you pre-sell  the tickets  as thousands and thousands  of balikyabangs, sorry that should be spelled balikbayans, are going home especially during the Holiday Season). 
             Furthermore, to maintain  the steady influx of tourists from overseas, The Tourism and Local Governments Departments should   hold and sponsor a  MISS OVERSEAS FILIPINOS PAGEANT in different Philippines’ tourist resorts regularly.  The millions of Filipinos overseas especially in North America love and spend much for  these  beauty pageants (“beauty”  is often a misnomer because the winner often has no beauty or brains but one can still win as long as she can outsell anybody in their  raffle tickets  or advertising sales competition.   The pageant  can be done at least Quarterly or even Monthly like  Larry Flint “Playmate of the Month” or  Baskin and Robbin’s  “Flavor of the Month” ice cream. 
              These Spanish  traditions of fiestas  will attract our so-called Modern Day Heroes, the 7 million OFWs from all corners of the world to  come and visit the Philippines just to show off and support their respective  candidate.  Extrapolate the possibilities.   A minimum of  50 contestants from all over the world  going home with say just TWENTY people in each  entourage:  parents or  uncles or  friends or  classmates,  will bring  additional  1,000  Filipinos with  their friends as tourists  who will  spend at least l,000 dollars will produce extra $1,000,000 or over 55 million pesos that circulate inside the Philippines every time this   pageant event  is held.
             What do we have to give to them for their   15-minute  (make that l5 hours, for Christ’s sake!) worth of “purchased” fame?    Foremost is   SECURITY.    NO KIDNAPPING FOR RANSOM, PLEASE! Why?  Because only the bold and daring and the military make the  money.  The  entire country does not benefit.  Next in priority should be enough CLEAN PORTABLE TOILETS near the venue of these pageants because  foreign tourists do not know  how to just pee against the wall!
             (Kaya ba ninyo yang mga kondisyones na yan,  Secretary Gordon and Secretary Joey  Lina?) 

             #4    To attract more basketball fans,  all the basketball leagues like the  NCAA  should not have any prohibition or limitation to have all their players imported  from overseas… If the Philippine team owners  can   afford to import  seven foot foreign players like some stars  in the  NBA, they should be allowed.  Who knows the Philippines can even win an Olympics competition taking advantage of non-Filipino sizes and colors like NBA stars like Kobe or Shaq or Yao Ming.   Again,  this will help Secretary Gordon to have more tourists flock  to the Philippines. 
            #3  With  the coming national Election,  the Phil Congress should pass a law authorizing the President to make arrangement  with the US government to allow  Philippines  business genius  Mark Jimenez and business consultant Atong Ang to  have some supervised  furlough in the Philippines at least  through May 2004.  Their expertise is needed by the government  how to raise more money to be able to buy votes, I mean  COMELEC materials.   I am optimistic that the US would agree in order to cut their   prison and court expenditures,  to be  able to finance the gargantuan budgets needed to continue their  US Iraq adventure of destroy-then-build business strategies.
           # 2   That  Congress pass a law that will also grant Philippine citizenships for any citizen in the world provided that he or she has the  money to build a mansion in the Philippines with two conditions:  employ local laborers and professional and utilize at least 50% of the construction materials from domestic sources.
                 Furthermore, if  foreigners can afford to buy an island, like the Americans buying Alaska or Louisiana,  let them buy one up to 1,000 maximum islands.  What’s  1, 000 out of our 7,100 island, anyway?                       
                 And finally my
      # 1   in my Wish List is:    Let  the Government of the Philippines hire former NY Mayor Rudolph Guiliani (he can name his price as the Philippines needs his proven expertise and no-nonsense leadership)  to become the PNP Chief as soon as possible. He is the best to clean this very popularly notorious PNP organization so that  our own BAYANI   Fernando can have a partner in  cleaning Metro Manila and the rest of the Philippines from  the many pulgas and kutongs  of our society.
           After breakfast, my wife  when she read the unedited version of this column had only one great objection  that my proposals and  “wish list” will cost billions of pesos that the Philippines does not even have.   I  have a ready answer to that:   The government can just instruct the Central Bank to   just print as much money as it is  necessary to finance all these projects and overnight the Philippines can become great and can compete globally!  It’s common sense   that a country  cannot spend what  she does  not have.  I  hope and recommend, therefore,  that the government should also consider investing  in a state-of-the-art reliable printing press to print  all the money that she needs  especially before the next presidential election!  
                                                             *  * * *
               Any comments or better proposals than the above, dear readers?
  Let me know and I will include them in future columns.

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