Thursday, April 11, 2013


Ernie D. Delfin
              My column for this week is a transcript of my speech  delivered before the UCI Sage Scholars of the University of California, Irvine (UCI) on February 7, 2012, about LEADERSHIP.

                   Thank you for the kind introduction, Melissa.  Thank you  for this rare privilege to speak before this s SAGE Scholars of  the University of California, Irvine.   My speaking before you tonight  is indeed  a great honor  that  came totally unexpected as a priceless gift,    especially considering my  personal and peculiar background.   I  still vividly remember my early years in the USA, before all of your were born,  when I was a controller of a big hospital in Los Angeles,  when I went to the company’s  Speech Pathologist, and  asked:  “Dr. Jones,  I always wanted to improve myself to  be able to succeed  in this country, how do I get rid of my accent? And the wise doctor said, Ernie that is very easy to do,  JUST GO BACK HOME TO THE PHILIPPINES!”  …. But I never went back home to stay , except a  dozen or more vacation trips to the land of my birth.
       For you to appreciate more with what I will share you tonight,   with your indulgence,   please allow me to briefly  tell you about  myself and the million miles journey that  I have travelled the last half a century of  my life, up  to this conference hall where we are gathered now by your kind invitation.
                     I was born in a farming village where there was no electricity until I was in the elementary grades when  one of the most visionary presidents of the USA, Pres. John F. Kennedy was assassinated in Dallas in that fateful Friday of November  22nd,   1963.  My family was  neither  very poor  nor very rich, but we worked very hard  from sunrise to sunset in our desire to have a better life.  My parents believed  as we did at a very young age that only  good education can improve the life  that we were  born into.   I was the first person in the whole village to finish  college by going to school at night and working during the day time.    Eventually I became a CPA  and  my former professor  in Advanced Accounting   recruited me to work in his accounting and management firm in Los Angeles.  That was in the  mid 1970s, when your parents  were probably in high school  or college too.
            Unlike many of you,  I worked extra hard to prove not only to  myself but also to my professor  who took chance of hiring me  that he did not make a mistake of  bringing me to America.  And  above all,  to make my  poor parents proud of me   and for my  brothers and sisters  to have a role model.
                   After a year in California,  I enrolled at the Cal State University-Los Angeles, which was only about 15 minutes away from my work at that time, for  my MBA.  That helped me significantly to be acculturated faster in America  which also  contributed greatly to my  own success in this  land of opportunity where  real work and  determination  are justly rewarded.
             After ten years in  America,  I also involved myself in a few chosen organizations outside work and church.  In the l980s, I was also very active in the Jaycees, the Junior Chamber of Commerce or Jaycees, for short, and our CPA Society.  I eventually joined the  Rotary International, where I have been very active the last l5 years. (Ask more about Rotary from your friends who are members of the   Rotaract Club of  UCI, that I founded about 4 years ago, when I was the Youth Director of the Newport Irvine Rotary Club that still  meets at your University Club every Thursday noon.  To know more about Rotary, go to, or simply contact or email me anytime.)
                 With that condensed   background, let me proceed to  my assigned topic  about  “BECOMING A LEADER: THE HEART AND SOUL OF LEADERSHIP”
                  Who is a leader?  Mr. Webster defines  a leader as “one who commands or leads or guides others” or “one who has influence or power.”

               For just a few moments, let me  now invite  to  close your eyes to visualize more profoundly this scenery:

Light a match in a dark room and watch as the light instantly overcomes the darkness. Observe the power and grace of that single, solitary flame dancing with life. Now light several candles or kindle a fire and experience the added warmth and comfort extending from that first, vulnerable flame through others.

This is the heart and soul of
leadership - the essence of inspiring others.

It is about courageously casting off fear, doubt and limiting beliefs and giving people a sense of hope, optimism and accomplishment. It is about bringing light into a world of uncertainty and inspiring others to do the same. This is what we call passion, the fire within.

Passion is a heartfelt energy that flows through us, not from us.

It fills our hearts when we allow it to and it inspires others when we share it. It is like sunlight flowing through a doorway that we have just opened. It was always there. It just needed to be accepted and embraced. Under the right conditions, this "flow" appears effortless, easy and graceful. It is doing what it is meant to do. It is reminding us that we are meant to be purposeful. We are meant to be positive. We are meant to be passionate. We feel this when we listen to and accept our calling in life. We feel it as inspiration when we open the door of resistance and let it in.

Inspiration springs forth when we allow ourselves to be "in-spirit," aligned with our true essence. Stop and think about it: When you feel truly passionate and inspired about someone or something, what frame of mind are you in? What are you willing to do? What kind of effort are you willing to put forth? How fearful are you? Chances are, you feel motivated to do whatever it takes, without fear or doubt, to turn your vision into reality. You grow in confidence. You believe you can do it. You are committed from the heart and soul. (Paraphrase from the writings of John J. Murphy)

                Many leaders have contributed greatly to  make our world a better place to live like Abraham Lincoln,  Mahatma Gandhi , Mother Teresa or    Nelson Mandela  but  there are   also  some leaders that made the opposite,  like Hitler, Napoleon and Emperor Hirohito who  was implicated in the  bombing of Pearl Harbor in 1941 that led to World War II. 
               There are thousands of books about leaders and on leadership.  Just google leaders or leadership and you will read countless of personalities or articles about them.   When you read history,  you  are standing on the shoulders of the authors and  can learn much.  You will read also about different kinds of leaders and styles of leadership. For instance,  when you visit a museum, like the  Museum of Tolerance about the Holocaust,  you will learn about the destruction of human lives led by a misguided leader, yet you also will read that the heroism of other leaders sprung from such tragedies.   (I am just curious,  how many of you  have visited that  historic museum in West Los Angeles, just  about an hour from Irvine?)
                   There are political leaders,  aka politicians,  like George Washington, Abraham Lincoln, Harry Truman, John F. Kennedy of yesteryears.    There are also military leaders, like Patton,  Cromwell  or McArthur. There are  also religious leader, like  Jesus Christ,  Mohammad, Luther  or the Pope.  In every  phase  of our lives, you will meet and read about leaders in business, politics, religion,  education, organizations,  or even in  IT or even in  entertainment and music.  IT, business or entertain you find leaders.
                As a long time student and now a  businessman, I am always reading the biographies of many men and women who made a difference in  our world.  Lately, although I am not an IT person,  I  am fascinated by the lives of  Bill Gates, Steve Jobs, Face book founder, Mark  Zuckerberg .    Irvine is also the seat of so many visionary leaders, like the Chairman of the Irvine Company, Donald Bren,   who had the vision of donating the land where your university  now stands with one condition to make it a campus of UCI,  a very wise and strategic investment  that  contributed greatly to the success of the Irvine Company.   Our county is full of many visionary companies like  Disneyland  and research and development corporations  like Allergan, Baxter that make the economy of our county more vibrant and diversified  as opposed to Las Vegas or Detroit.
           Millions of young people  in the world  can just dream to be where you are today.  You are indeed very  lucky and a winner in so many ways.   But if you  are not seriously taking that as a great advantage to make a difference in your world, where you soon become its  leaders,  you will not   become an effective   leader and may not have a very meaningful or fulfilling  career in the future.  So, my challenge to you, is please do not squander your God’s blessings as  I hope that in the future you can also share your success  in leading others to a better future.
            Your  university also has many leaders. In most of its departments are successful leaders in their respective fields, especially in sciences, research and medicine.  The UCI College of Law that just started   in 2009 and now is   gaining a national  reputation with the  hiring of its first dean,  Erwin Chemerinksy   (who spoke before our Rotary Club of Newport Irvine when he was just arrived  in Orange County)   Also, a  Rotarian friend of mine, Dr. Raj Desai,  the first Chief Hematologist of the UCI Medical Center many years ago,   told  us stories that he witnessed happening in  OC 50 years ago. He  has shared with us  that he was  one of the first Indian nationals who came  to the United States as a full scholar.  His journey started in a huge ship, called the Queen Mary, that is now docked as a hotel-conference room in Long Beach. Dr. Desai is almost 90 years old now, but  still enjoying his life in a beautiful and expensive house in Balboa Bay that serves as his “backyard”.    Those are very fascinating stories, from which  one learns a lot, without much research  and reading.   Every factual information or  knowledge that you get  from  others will give you some extra-yards- advantage over your competitors  in the real life.
                Even in your own family,  you can find your kind of a leader who can be your role model or inspiration  to become the best you can be.  Even at my age,  I still find some leaders, my own role models to become a better person.  Even in  my church,  there are great leaders (as there are also not so good leaders in my dictionary)  In our  Rotary  organization,  I  am in awe learning what other leaders do in their lives, always thinking how they can make a difference in the lives of others.   Collectively, these leaders  have   somewhat influence me also to become a more effective leader and a better human being.
             You can do that too, my dear friends… You do not look very far to find somewhat worth emulating  who can provide you some proven formula to become more successful, to become a winner in the field that you so choose to belong,   and in the process to become a leader in your own right.
              Now,  let me briefly describe and suggest to all of you,  some ACTION WORD,  active verbs for you to consider as you continue your education and prepare your own career or profession in this great land of opportunity.  I pray that 10, 20 or 30 years from now, you too become a leader who can provide a good role models for others to follow.
         Last night,   I just made up this acronym: L   E   A   D   E  R:

L =  LOVE WHATEVER YOU DO…  LEARN  as much as you can about that field or endeavor.  If you want to be a doctor,  go find dozens of doctors that you can learn from,  nor from  rappers or basketball  players or  musicians.  Be an intern in a company…. While learning  new things however,  be always open as your first “love”  may just a stepping stone of another greater love.  For instance, although  I was a licensed CPA,  it didn’t give me the fulfillment that  I dreamt for myself, so I left the accounting industry and became an entrepreneur  and engaged  in marketing  which I think suited my personality more than a boring accounting  job.  However,  that   background in  accounting and finance also gave me  extra points ahead from my competitors in  the real estate and mortgage industry for over 25 years.
E =  EXCEL IN SOMETHING THAT YOU WANT TO BE A LEADER.. Exceed the expectations of your boss. There is a saying in business “Under promise and Over deliver.  But don’t just  do  activities ONLY for money  but also other  things  for the greater good in the community.  Give back to your community,  as much as you can along the way.

A= ACCUMULATE RELEVANT EXPERIENCES THAT WILL PROPEL YOU TO YOUR DREAM.   Accumulate also personal contacts along the way… You never know when you needed them.  That’s why I strongly recommend you to consider to join Rotaract (while in college) and when you can afford to join, Rotary International, where  you will know your fellow  Rotarians by first name basis. (For example: Dr. Arun  Ganhi,  the grandson of Mahatma Gandhi.. (who autographed his book for us when we went to hear him speak in Palm Springs last November)…  or Bill Gates who  gave RI $255 M dollars for poverty alleviation and malaria and polio eradication in the world. Rotary International, founded in 1905, is now in over 200 countries with 535 Rotary Districts (one is Orange County) and has over 1.25 million members. As young adults, you  have opportunities to become full Peace Scholars or exchange students in one country  for several months or several years. If you are interested, explore those possibilities.  Again,  you can get those informations in our  website or contact me.

D -  DISCIPLINE YOURSELF… DELIVER YOUR BEST IN WHATEVER YOU DO…  Discriminate the kinds of friends you hang with, the TV shows you watch.  There is a saying that says “Tell  me who your friends are, and I will tell you who you are!”    Also discover and nurture your strengths and follow where your passion is.  Practice your skills. Even a great basketball player, like Kobe Bryant, who lives in Orange Coast, by the way,  practices his craft regularly with discipline.
         Do not just become like   these  relaxed rubber bands (while throwing them a handful of rubbers to the audience)  that are  totally useless  until they are stretched and just  have the right tension to  hold something of value…. Be a  DIFFERENT in a positive manner,  from the guys or girls next door.
          Be that leader  likened to the goose in front of a flock of Canadian geese flying in formation in their seasonal migration to warmer places.

E-  ENERGIZE   YOURSELF .. AND BECOME  LIKE AN EAGLE… “LEADERS ARE LIKE EAGLES,  THEY DON’T  FLOCK  YOU FIND THEM ONE AT A TIME….  The trait of an eagle will make you stand out anywhere.. when you are looking for a job or even in the community of your peers.   Attend and listen to as many speakers who are accomplished and leaders in their own right.  Many of them come to your university as invited guest speakers.  Several times, I have come to UCI  Bren Hall to listen to great speakers, like the Dalai Lama and   Sir Richard Branson, founder of  Virgin Airlines and many others.  Listening to others who have done great accomplishment can inspire you to become more successful person  too.

R = READ BOOKS   and find your own ROLE MODELS….  Watch movies that can only entertain you but learn much. Gandhi is just one example.. Now showing in local  theatres  is “IRON LADY”, starring Meryl Streep  about the life of Margaret Thatcher.    Or some movies like “The Bucket List”, starring Jack Nicholson and Morgan Freeman are good movies that touch on the finer essence or meaning of  life.   Another one is “The Way” starring Michael Douglas about a doctor’s journey to find the meaning of his life.   The Good Book says that “For where your treasure is where your heart will be!”     Each one of us has that hidden  “treasure”  but it is us,  us alone, who must find and discover it. Once you found it,   nurture and develop it to its fullest potential  Then, treasure it forever for your own  life’s happiness and fulfillment.
                  I believe  a long time ago that there are only the two most important factors that determine your success in life are: GOOD BOOKS that you read, and the PEOPLE YOU ASSOCIATE with more frequently.  And these  things will not happen by accident but by critical choices throughout your life.          
                 SOONER OR LATER,   you too   become successful in whatever  you do,  and without even asking for it, you will be asked to lead others… and that is the reward of all your efforts, perseverance and determination to become the ‘Salt of the Earth’  to be a person of substance  that is recognized by your peers for whatever you really are.    Life is a gift from your God (or Allah, or whatever name you call him) but what you do with your life is your gift to God.  So don’t waste it.. make  it worthwhile and useful to enhance the quality of life of your fellow human beings.
             Last but not the least, I would like to leave you a challenge  or some kind of self-evaluation quiz differentiating the characteristics  of a  LEADER  VS.  MANAGER, which you can apply not only to yourself  but also on  your own professors or bosses at work  or  in any organization that you belong to.  It goes this way:  in school

A LEADER CREATES.                              A MANAGER COPIES.



A LEADER VALUES PEOPLE.                       A MANAGER VALUES PROCEDURES .                              


A LEADERS WELCOMES  CRITICISM.           A MANAGER WELCOMES PRAISE.                                          
A LEADER MAKES MISTAKES.              A MANAGER MAKES  EXCUSES.                                                                                                

A LEADER CORRECTS HIMSELF.          A MANAGER CORRECTS OTHERS.                                                                                                

                                                                                                                                                        A MANAGER WANTS  RESPONSIBILITY.     A  LEADER WANTS RIGHTS.
A  LEADER SEEKS A JOB.                              A MANAGER SEEKS A POSITION.
A LEADER HAS FAULTS.                               A MANAGER IS PERFECT.
                                              and  my all-time favorite…

YOU LEAD PEOPLE!                                     YOU MANAGE THINGS!


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