Sunday, February 14, 2010



Written by Ernie Delfin

It’s Christmas time again and I feel all alone --- except with my thoughts, reliving where I have been, where I am now and where I want to go from here. Although I am a man, I can’t help but become nostalgic with mixed emotions while composing this unorthodox Christmas prayer.

Oh, Lord Redeemer of the World, is this what it takes to be alive? To witness and undergo the endless deprivations and tribulations on your people on Earth? Why can’t your children be happy and at peace not only during this season but every day? Not only in dreams and words but also in reality? For since I have flown from parental nest, I think I have seen more human sadness and struggles that the “joy and hope” that Christmas traditionally brings!

During this festive Season celebrating the Nativity of the Savior of Men, it has always amazed me that people do unusual things to bring out their brotherly concern towards another; it continuously puzzles me why can’t your people show signs and acts of love and charity every time? Tradition says, as I was told, that’s the way it was and that the way it is and that’s the mystery of Christmas time. But I asked in my prayer: “But why not?”

Dear God, I know I am just one creature who does not always understand and conform with what I see in this world, please help me that in my desire to be successful and strong, I may also become a more compassionate, understanding and loving person; that this Christmas and in the coming years, I may become more sympathetic with those around me despite their divergent views of the world we share, as I also hope and pray that other people would also see your light and do what is right, and not only those actions that are convenient. This is my Prayer for the world and for all mankind.

Dear Lord, please hear these prayers from my heart and soul, I implore you especially that my health and general well being as well as those who I care and love, including my enemies will be at its peak; that the basic material things that are necessary to be happy and fulfilled be provided for; that my hopes, fears and dreams in life are shared lovingly with all the very special people in my life, and that my life on this Earth will have real purpose and meaning.
Oh Lord, my Savior, hear me, grant me my Christmas Prayer!

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