Wednesday, September 10, 2014


THE Metamorphosis
Ernie D. Delfin

               "Human Suffering is a part and parcel of our life on Earth:  it has not changed   since the fall of   Adam and Eve in the Garden of Paradise.   Such Suffering to have its intrinsic value for our purification is to offer it as a part of the sufferings of Christ on the Cross for our redemption. " 
                                               Some notes taken by the author from one of His  Spiritual Retreats

          The recent untimely death (is there such thing as a " timely " death?)   of a talented actor and laconic comedian, Robin Williams, 63,   caused my medulla oblongata    to ponder, rationalizing and examine my own life   of over 6 Decades.   Like millions of Mr. Williams' fans who were made ​​to laugh at his comic and his sterling performance in movies like the "Dead Poets Society", I too was not only shocked but deeply saddened by His reported suicide.
                    B ombarded by countless demonic bad news and happenings in our world, around the country, in our own local communities, or Even in our families, it is Both a blessing and a mystery that there millions of us who continue to live our lives, Even In quiet desperation and silent sufferings!   How then, can a normal person continue to live happily and   fulfilled, without going Robin Williams?
           Even there was short lived debate in Facebook that Mr. Williams was    a 'coward' person doing what he did to end His Earthly life, on one side, that is equally opposed by others, who think that  he was a "brave" and generous  man doing what he did!    Personally,   I believe, Neither is it cowardice nor bravery that  can really describe this tragedy of laughing in the outside but inside crying desperately.   BUT,  if I had to select just one adjective, I would say, he possibly was a "brave man",   a compassionate human being ,  simply Because he probably did not think only  of himself but  also the potential 'sufferings' and anxiety that His   deteriorating physical condition (mental illness and Parkinson's disease)  will Eventually Affect  His  own family, especially His children that he loved so much.
          Somehow,   I can empathize with and could relate to such a human condition when "the entire world seems going against you,  when everything you do is wrong "   and   that life is not worth living no more! 
            Due to this tragic news of Mr. Williams  death, I could not help but reminisce,   with mixed emotions of sadness and gratitude,   my personal experience along this human predicament of appearing happy in the outside but very melancholic deep inside.    About two scores   ago,  I had a terrible accident in Dagupan City , Philippines, During my first 'returnees' (homecoming) trip to the Philippines   with my wife, and coming back to California physically disabled, and aggravated by the unexpected  closure of the convalescent  hospital where I was working then,  by the government authorities   due to allegations of endangering the health and safety of the patients and other criminal acts.   An investigator from the District Attorneys Office wanted to get some depositions from me, as I was then the Controller.   At the same time, my employer,   then,  wanted me to go back to the Philippines and was willing  to give my "salary"   for a continued vacation, that could  result to a "permanent exile" from America! (Mysteriously or coincidentally, my very first  employer in America, was  a former professor in Auditing Knights   who got me to America just to be "exploited" as I did not have a legal status to work then,  was also sued by the government in the mid 70's   for some shenanigans,  years after I left my professor's management  firm!   And,  in the mid-1980s, another employer, the infamous Eminiano "Jun" Reodica   is  currently    in jail awaiting trial for   myriad of fraudulent financial scams that he has been accused of masterminding . His trial, it was reported, is   scheduled next November 2014,   in a Los Angeles Court. Catch! )

                What would a person, like me,   without much experience in life, then,  do with those God-given trials?   ....   In those darkest hours of the soul,   death (suicide or any other cause) seems the only way out, and for  one lonely winter   night   near the  Santa Monica pier,   I also contemplated suicide!    BUT, some inexplicable voice from above,  barely audible in the fury of the waves in the cold blue ocean, was whispering to me  that "I do not own my life ,   that it is just borrowed from my Creator, my God ".    Mysteriously, I remembered some lessons from  my Theology classes that "suicide is a mortal sin and it was  a taboo in the Catholic Church   that prevents Even a person from being buried in a Catholic cemetery. "   For a suicidal person, however,   those considerations of where to be buried   or what happens after death His Futile and are totally  irrelevant!
               Serendipitous revelation that  brought me to my senses, and the User is following day I went to visit a trusted Dominican priest, Rev. Greg Raymundo, OP (Bless His Soul) who was then a pastor of St. Clement's Catholic Church in Santa Monica, (he was also one of my theology professors in Letran and the Secretary General who knew me throughout my college years) and sought His wise counsel.    After confiding the heaviest burdens of my heart,  (that Even MIGHT wife did not know then), one   sentence coming from His holy man, dissipated all the   dark clouds hovering over me. In His unique soft voice, he simply said, "Ernie, I believe what you are telling me is true, so you have nothing to fear .. all you have  do is tell the truth! "   That advice compelled me to call and visit  the District Attorney's Office in LA,  the next day!   (What happened the next few months is another interesting  roller-coaster, but story)
            Looking back, with a few   more  seemingly insurmountable problems that have come my way, the last four Decades in America,  I  firmly believe that God gives us  trials that we can handle, to make us stronger and better children of His, if we Allow Ourselves to listen to His  very soft  voice.   And that can only happen in a Heartfelt   prayer of trust,  in complete surrender to His will.   After all, as our Catechism book ŢĖŁŀŞ us the real purpose of our life here on earth is very simple:   To know HIM, to love and to serve HIM HIM.    To paraphrase the    Book of Ecclesiastes "There is a reason for every season:   there is a time to Weep and a time to laugh, a time to be born, a time to die! "
              Although it is quite Difficult and a great challenge to be happy and have a balanced life amidst all the bad news in our world (the beheading of two Americans, wars in Syria and Iraq and Afghanistan,   children being smuggled into the USA, drought in California , two Malaysian Airlines lost, Ebola epidemic,   typhoons and hurricanes, etc etc),   it is still possible to be happy and contented, if we have the humility to  follow the beautiful  Prayer of Serenity:   "God give me the courage to change   the things I can, the   patience to accept the things I can not change, and the WISDOM to know the difference. " 
              The unassuming life of the lotus plant can  give us a lesson  to inspire us.  Thrown into  a pond of polluted muddied   waters, the lotus flower plants    seek the sunlight  to survive, and They Eventually  l blossom and their colorful  flowers celebrate life and through this natural  process, They Even Purify  the dirty and   fetid   water Beneath !.   This analogy also comes to mind as Prison Ministers Whenever we visit the Orange County Jail weekly  to provide hope and some BIBLE ( B asic I nstructions B efore L eaving E arth) lessons to the dozens  of inmates, who for the most part never had    Bible or religious education in their previous lives.
               Interfacing with dozens of deacons, priests and  fellow  Prison Ministers   in our Diocese of Orange,   I  believe that  these unselfish  Christian volunteers are happy and fulfilled individuals.   investing  hundreds if not Thousands  of hours of their     time to help guide and teach these inmates,  who have fallen  from the right path. Living out their faith,   these prison ministers are giving hope to the inmates   as They Follow Christ's  admonition to "feed the hungry, to clothe the naked and visit those in prison to."
             Generally speaking, the inmates who attend  our  classes voluntarily are  hungry to know more about God and the Bible.  We guide,  study and share the lessons  with Them from the   last Sunday's readings,  and also give communion services to those Catholics who have been baptized and   have received their first communion. A part of the services is Encouraging Them to lift up their personal  petitions and   pray for one another.   During that solemn day of being together in one room, it is very hard to imagine that these   inmates and prisoners are the same persons who  have been accused or convicted of some serious crimes in the state's  criminal justice system, especially when They behave just like any other human being:   expressive, receptive and grateful Even  for volunteering our  time to visit Them and ministering to their spiritual needs. (BTW, many inmates do not have families nor friends visiting Them and all!)  
          Our Restorative Justice & Prison Ministry's   main goal is to give our Undivided   presence to the inmates, to share with Them  lessons in the Bible, and the Good News of Christ and many facets of our Catholic faith. All of us   are plain  gone volunteers who have gone through a certification process by the Diocese as well as having  passed a rigid  police clearance system enter these country jails  anytime with our official badge. From time to time, we hear that   some  inmates,  who have gone through our  Diocese Prison Ministry classes,    have turned their lives around when released from prison They are both back to society and Become  better citizens.   prison To all of us ministers,  just learning that good news is   a priceless   reward for our time invested to  this  ministry for the  "lost sheep" that are now found!

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