Saturday, August 30, 2014




         Businesses, big or small, are started by entrepreneurs,  who are visionaries.  From the small family business like a bakery to multi-national giants like Apple or Microsoft, they  are founded by uncommon men and women who believe and create  that there should be a better “machine”  to enhance the quality of life than the gadgets that are already  in existence.  Just think about  the evolution of the smart phones.  Less than 50 years ago, there were no cell phones.  The first cell phones were as heavy as a baby in your arms!   I still remember my  first car-phone that was mounted near the driver’s side and its antenna was sticking like a huge dragon fly  bolted  on top of the trunk!
           Since the industrial revolution,  entrepreneurs continue to create jobs, empower  and employ  millions of people around the world.  Collectively, they provide  the engines that turn  the propellers of industry from America to Zimbabwe.  Businesses --- from a seedling farm in an  agricultural village to  the hi-tech  factories of I-phones and computers --- flourish because of these modern day heroes called entrepreneurs.  They are the real heroes --- not the politicians nor the so-called public servants ---- who  deserve public  respect and recognization, every day of our lives!  There should be a National Day for Entrepreneurs  like  Memorial Day or Labor Day or Mothers Day to honor them.
          As a flashback, and as a former  small business owner-entrepreneur myself,  I am biased in favor of  all entrepreneurs, including  those struggling to succeed, who risk almost everything they possess  to follow their dreams with the hope of becoming successful someday.     Unfortunately, not all who desire to become successful entrepreneurs will  make it,  due to many factors:  from lack of capital, to sub-standard marketing strategies, to lack of management expertise, to lack of manpower skills, etc.  Yet, for every 7  who fail initially,  there are probably 2 or 3   who will make it,  who  will eventually   be able to employ 5 or more people each  to grow their respective businesses.   
         Having been one of the lucky ones who survived and succeeded of becoming my own boss for over 30 years now,  I know those scary feelings like  having earthquakes in your bones, especially those  times  when the cash flow was low and you have to write the payroll checks!   There were moments of regrets for  having left the confines of a comfortable but unchallenging   government auditing job (which was a big magnet that attract many people seek to  savor or enjoy for its  relative security and great fringe benefits)  but in the end, that calculated risk was well worth it.   
           In retrospect, there comes a time for every man  to do the unthinkable, to leave his comfort zone to in order to  grow by risking something despite that it can be a bloody process,  like the unassuming  caterpillar, to become a happy and  colorful butterfly  that will then enjoy its  prize of  hovering and smelling  countless  flowers along its flight.
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        Now,  that my generation is starting to retire , in my book,  even without the government pension,  my overall life’s  journey  was  more colorful and exciting than most of my contemporaries who worked solely  for the government or big corporations as  employees for most of their lives.    Statistics and studies show that  thousands or millions of people are not quite happy going to their boring job, but have to work because they have to earn their bread and butter to live. On the other hand,  most  entrepreneurs go to work because they wanted to , with that inexplicable joy and  excitement that they feel whenever they can shout EUREKA, for having successfully  successfully created something   that they dreamed about for a long time. As a lasting prize,   they are compensated handsomely  once the consuming public embraces and  buys their creations,   like the  Google products or the Apple  I-phones. 
             Looking back the last 40 years or so, it saddened me that some of my old time  friends especially those whose only job was in the government service are now dead,  and did not live long enough to enjoy their so-called retirement. Their lives were just focused to working and many socials that give ephemeral happiness.   It has been  proven that people who are happy and excited in their lives or in their work tend to live longer than those  unhappy or bored in their work and in their lives.   I hope I am wrong to assume that many of these unhappy people passed away while their life’s music box was still unopened.
            On the other side of the coin,  I have witnessed many who live a full life giving and obviously very happy and fulfilled.  In my Rotary network, I have seen Rotarians in their 70’s or 80’s  who are still involved in their communities as volunteers or  mentors to others.   For instance, I am proud that to mention a great and special Rotarian friend from Orange County, PDG Jim Young,   great human being who is known as “Mr. Paul Harris” (the founder of Rotary) for his decades of performing “Paul Harris” capsulating the essence of Rotary since its foundation in  1905.  Even in his retirement in education and the arts, he continued to be very active in Rotary as well as  hosting  a Poetry Class in Cal State University in Fullerton, that was designed mainly for seniors, which I have also attended several times.
           He has performed “ Mr. Paul Harris” a one-man show over 360 times around the world, including  India and the Philippines, which I helped coordinate during Rotary’s Centennial Celebrations.     Because of his lively spirits and life-long  enthusiasm  and life-long support for the arts and sciences,  the Cal State Fullerton honored him by naming the  a university wing, now known as the “James Young Theater.” His music box was maximized and utilized  to the fullest,  which is his legacy to our society that will last a long long time  after he is gone to the Life Beyond!
           As a postscript,  as my friend Jim Young can no longer perform as “Mr. Paul Harris” due to his aging body,  he has found and inspired another younger but  equally competent  actor, ZOOT,  to perform  to “Mr. Paul Harris”. Both Jim and Zoot belong to the same Rotary Club of Fullerton.   Rotarian Zoot has spoken before our GKeRotary Club and gave  a sample of his PH performance. (Our e-Club  should work for his trip to the Philippines to perform “Mr. Paul Harris” like PDG Jim Young)
           A trivia about ZOOT:  after marrying a Filipino singer, Monette Velasco, he has adopted Velasco as his last name, although in the realm of the theater, he is known simply as  ZOOT. The current Executive Director of the Muckhenthaler Cultural  Center in Fullerton California, Zoot is also the author of “The First 100 Days Leading Small Non-Profits Out of the Wilderness”, which this columnist and Rotarian  highly  recommend for those in the non- profit organization arena.      
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        To summarize,  what  makes a person an entrepreneur?   I think there is an invisible trait that is uncommon. A  risk-taker, a strong willed, stubborn personality are probably the  predominant traits.  That can-do attitude  that propels the  entrepreneur to act on his belief that “there should be a better way”  to improve or modify an existing service or product is another ingredient of a successful entrepreneur.   A person that is self-starter that dreams his work, from the time  he wakes up to the time he goes to bed.   For entrepreneurs,  they eat, sleep and work  their dreams with them 24 / 7.   They do not know how to stop working on their dreams as their mental fuel tank is never empty . 
                There are classroom classes on Entrepreneurships  but like swimming,  the person will never  learn how to swim without going into the ocean of entrepreneurship to be  real wet and often times muddied, and sometimes  even gets  sick due to  some external elements, especially when the entrepreneur’s   immunities  are weakened!

              Speaking about Entrepreneurship,  our Global Kalinga e-Rotary  Club President Chuck Cota in joint collaboration with several Clubs,like the Altadena Rotary Club of District 5300  is now working for a Entrepreneurs EXPO  slated for early next year, where vendors catering to entrepreneurs and  would-be entrepreneurs can meet successful entrepreneurs who desire to support and mentor others to become  entrepreneurs.  There is in our world today an urgent and massive need for more entrepreneurs, as there are more people to be employed, to be fed, clothed and sheltered.  One of the best  and proven ways to provide this massive need is through ENTREPRENEURSHIP, that disciplined  human process to create and provide the products and services that people need in order to live a decent life on this earth.  There is no way that the government  nor the  existing companies and  organizations today can employ most of this  gargantuan supply of manpower  that are being born every second of every day of the  year!

              In his induction speech last month our very own  GK e-Rotary Club President Chuck Cota, announced with his ambitious project about hosting an ENTREPRENEURS  EXPO,  for early next 2015.  In consultation with other Rotary Club partners in other Districts in LA, Orange  and  Riverside counties,   he is now busy determining the appropriate date and the venue.  President Cota hopes to announce and distribute  the flyers  during the ARTESIA BUSINESS  FAIR AND DIVERSITY  FESTIVAL on  October 4, 2014, where  at least 15 countries have signed up to participate.   Hundreds of  businesses, restaurants and vendors as well as non-profit organizations,  including our   Global Kalinga  e­-Rotary Club  will have a booth to “LIGHT UP ROTARY” ,  the  theme of RI  President Gary Huang this Rotary year.­­­­­­­­­­­­

        In closing,  this entrepreneur-columnist would like to share an old ENTREPRENEURS CREDO poster hanging in his home office:




I do not choose to be a common man, 
It is my right to be uncommon … if I can, 
I seek opportunity … not security. 
I do not wish to be a kept citizen. 
Humbled and dulled by having the 
State look after me. 
I want to take the calculated risk; 
To dream and to build. 
To fail and to succeed. 
I refuse to barter incentive for a dole; 
I prefer the challenges of life 
To the guaranteed existence; 
The thrill of fulfillment 
To the stale calm of Utopia. 
I will not trade freedom for beneficence 
Nor my dignity for a handout 
I will never cower before any master 
Nor bend to any threat. 
It is my heritage to stand erect. 
Proud and unafraid; 
To think and act for myself, 
To enjoy the benefit of my creations 
And to face the world boldly and say: 
This, with God’s help, I have done 
All this is what it means 
To be an Entrepreneur.

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