Tuesday, July 8, 2014


THE METAMORPHOSIS  (January 25 2014 column)




“For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also.”

 Matthew 6:21

 Soquel, Northern Calif. Being away for almost a week, accentuated by a

revitalizing 3 days Retreat in this Poor St. Clare’s Retreat situated inside a forest

in the Santa Cruz mountains was indeed another week that my wife and I truly

enjoyed like the many annual retreats we have done. Hopefully, we continue

to do the same at least annually, the rest of our lives. Psychologically, perhaps,

many toxins of life are removed and blown into the wilderness that made our

spirits energized and made the body seemed lighter as the accumulated life’s

baggage or stress are tossed away. A short vacation like this, without much

concern to earn more money to be comfortable, is a great luxury as it is priceless

for me. Surrounded by centuries old pine trees and their natural beauty, one can

be drowned by the majesty of the forest environment where there are no TV,

nor internet or WIFI connections nor cell phone signals for us retreatants. It was a

weird feeling for a while but one can adjust to the environment fast enough, to

recognize that that’s how life used to be in the not so distant past. It was a great

investment of time and money just to have relaxing days that nourished the body,

 It’s circumstances, places and times like these when we meet Miss

“Serendipity” to discover learn, to enjoy, recognizing the beauty of simplicity

lost imprisoned in God’s natural environment and being grateful for what we

are blessed with. In a unique vacation like this, I was able to do what my heart

desires, between the few conferences and scheduled dining for us retreatants. I

was inspired to write more things in my journal and also read a couple of books

that I have been wanting to read since last Thanksgiving. “Heaven is for Real”

by Todd Burro and “The Biology of Beliefs” by Bruce H. Lipton, PH D are a good

read and are highly recommended. This week, I just added another book in my

“ Bucket List” to buy: a new book that I browsed in the Retreat Center about

Pope Francis, our new Pope, a true Servant Leader showing the way by action

how the church must treat and care for the poor and the unwanted in our

society, thus giving the world renewed hope for a better world.

* * * *

 As our Retreat priest, Rev. Bruce Lamb, OFM eloquently discussed in one

of the lively talks, our life on this earth is indeed a journey. But to live a life with

meaning, it has to have a purpose, and must be anchored into something that is

solid as a rock, that is eternal, which does not change with the economy nor

the climate. Many of us call that anchor as God, Lord, Saviour or the Great Spirit.

Embracing that philosophy, one is subliminally forced to look into the mirror and

reflect what is truly important, as whispered by that feeble but powerful voice

within each of us, that we Catholics call the Holy Spirit. It can be called by any

other name like your conscience, or the Supreme Being or whatever name one

 After many hours of reflection, it dawned on me that I am still alive with

the Grace of God to become His instrument to do what He wants me to do while

on this earth. Indeed, it is serendipity to be in places like this and having met so

many people discussing and sharing our respective dreams or projects that we

would like to accomplish before we die. The more I ponder about these dreams,

the more I am convinced that they can be a reality through the convergence

of forces or alliances between businesses, people and institutions that believe

in the same dreams. To make it easier we already have a 108 year old Rotary

International that has already a proven network of over 1.25 million people in

over 200 countries who are committed to contributing their talents, treasures

time to make this world a better place, and that’s where our Global Kalinga e-
Rotary Club (“kalinga” in Filipino meaning “to give tender care”) can be the portal

or bridge to make it happen.

 For instance, during the Martin Luther King Jr. Holiday weekend, last January

, our two-year-old Global Kalinga e-Rotary Club (that has now a diverse

membership like the United Nations) hosted a special dinner reception for our

District Governor-Elect from Quezon City, Samuel P. Pagdilao, Jr. (who is also

a member of the Philippine House of Representatives) after the conclusion of

their mandatory DGE training in the Rotary International Assembly in San Diego,

who eloquently shared with us Rotarians that included his DGE Classmates Elsa

Gillham (LA District 5280) and Jim Paddock (OC District 5320) and PP Rene

Fruto and PE Tita de Guzman (Riverside-Las Vegas District 5300) “State of the

Philippines and Rotary Districts” especially after the devastation caused by this

most cruel woman (Typhoon) Yolanda. He shared many inspiring stories how

thousands of people are sharing and working hard to help out, in their individual

capacities, or through their companies, organizations or foreign governments.

He also posed a challenge for us to keep on sharing a part of our time, talents and

treasure to help rebuild the many destroyed infrastructures, especially school

buildings and livelihood industries. DGE Sammy also shared a Confucian story

that the incoming RI president Gary Hwang from Taiwan told the 537 incoming

District Governors from about 200 countries around the world that “If we want

to be happy for an hour, take a nap; if we want to be happy for a day, go fishing;

if we want to be happy for a year, inherit a good fortune (if you are that lucky!),

but if we want to be happy forever, share and do service to others!” That is the

Rotary way, empowering people and changing them forever.

 In my brief presidential remarks about the history of our young GK e-
Rotary Club that I founded almost 3 years ago and its projects, I shared what we

have started going back to the basics: A B C (cube) : Alliances with Businesses,

Community leaders, Churches and Colleges for the Common Good. We have

now concrete examples of businesspeople, like Rick Aguiluz of Healthy Coffee

USA and Eddie Ferrer of EC Ferrer Customs Brokers, Inc., financially supporting

our noble causes like the building of Gawad Kalinga houses in GK villages around

the Philippines, providing a decent housing for the homeless to regain their

human dignity (to be followed by livelihood, nutrition and education projects

to empower them). As we are also part and parcel of our churches, our friends

there are also supportive of some of our projects, like adopting an orphanage in

Tijuana-Rosarito Mexico and contributing money and necessary school supplies

 As far as the involvement of Colleges, we are now in the process of forming

the OC-LA River Community Rotary Club and I have “charged” two energetic

new members of our E-Rotary Club to co-chair, Cassandra Hepburn (a Hollywood

actress) and Lino Caringal Jr. (a PMA alumnus and a community leader in Orange

County). This Rotaract Club composed of 18-30 year old young adults will support

our advocacies while training them to becoming leaders to continue what

Rotarians do in our local and international communities. I have no doubt that

these New Generation Rotaractors will significantly contribute and make our


 Last but not the least, I also shared that I have a dream of utilizing the vast

pool of knowledge, business expertise, talents and real life experiences of the

hundreds of thousands of Filipino American seniors (and their friends in America),

out of 3,000,000 Fil-Ams to go back to the Philippines and share their acquired

expertise and talents that they have accumulated during their working years. My

dream is to be able to have a “Secretariat” an NGO that is being registered to

accumulate thousands of resumes of people who would like to be a part of this

Philippine Justice & Peace Corps (PJPC) to be matched with the real needs of a

Philippine school, university or strategically linked with an appropriate business

or institution to share these volunteers’ talents or expertise from America to the

home country (Philippines) This is patterned after President John F. Kennedy’s

Peace Corps, composed of young Americans to “do something for their country

and the world, and not just asking what their country can do for them”. The

only big difference is that JFK’s Peace Corps was made up of mostly passionate

younger people whereas our envisioned volunteers of the PJP Corps are mostly

retired professionals and businesspeople who are able and willing to give back

and contribute something concrete with their countrymen especially the youth,

before they pass away into eternity.

 Like the American SCORE (Service Corps of Retired Executives, these active

Fil-Ams that will populate this conceived Fil-Am initiated “PEACE CORPS”

need not to be paid their true market value as they will be compensated

with an unquantifiable emotional and spiritual rewards with a public token

of appreciation or recognition and/or probably a minimal stipend from the

government or the institution where they are teaching or mentoring their

students. Ideally, perhaps an act of Congress creating or recognizing the

existence of this Philippine Justice & Peace Corps to make it an institution

that will have its own budget and administration, like the U.S. Peace Corps, to

last beyond the lifetime of us, volunteers. Paging our Rotarian friends in the

Philippines who share in this grand vision for our Filipino youth!

 After this last week’s Spiritual Retreat, I now believe that this dream of

mine can be a reality with the enthusiastic and broad support of many people

who expressed their “LIKES” when I shared this idea in the recent past. With

earnest prayers coupled with the endorsement and support of our Incoming

District 3780 Governor, the Honorable Sammy P. Pagdilao, Jr. and dozens of

Rotary Clubs in the Philippines and in the USA, this dream of another variation

of the Peace Corps and SCORE can be a reality and may be piloted during the RY

2014-15. To walk the talk, I am able and willing to be one of the few dozens

Filipino Americans who will give several weeks or months a year, to pilot this

ambitious project, and to improve it along the way in the years to come.

 Any feedbacks and constructive comments from readers, especially from

my fellow Rotarians are most welcome? Have a great February, the month of

HEARTS and all lovers in the world! Happy Valentines!

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Email this Rotarian-dreamer: ernie.gkerc@gmail.com or ernie.delfin@gmail.com

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