Thursday, November 15, 2012


Ernie D. Delfin
       Happy Thanksgiving Holiday to all of you, dear readers!
       It’s Thanksgiving week,  just another month before Christmas Day!  If you are  reading this,  you are blessed and lucky that  you are still alive and hopefully you can also come up with  enough reasons to be grateful to your Creator----- if you are a believer---- and to your loved ones. Like the change of the seasons  from summer to autumn,  winter to spring, this Thanksgiving-Advent Season is an opportune time  to take inventory of what we have and be grateful for having them.   And this is my philosophical subject for this issue of our weekly Asian Journal:    Freedom, Family, Friends and Faith,  with the ardent hope that the reader is also encouraged or inspired to come up with his or her own personal reasons to be  thankful   this season.
           Just recalling the origin  (the Pilgrims giving thanks to their  God for their survival and plentiful harvest and the new-found freedom with their new friends, the American  Indians)   of the first Thanksgiving festival  in America by these first European immigrants (without greencards!)  in  1621, who braved countless dangers and uncertainties in their bold adventure from the Old Word to the New World  where more  than half died along the way,   is enough reason to be grateful.   These Pilgrims started what America has become and paid dearly for it.  Their dream and vision of self-government became the solid foundation of democracy as the world knows it today.   Re-reading America’s history, from the bloody American Revolution, the Civil War, the Great Emancipation centuries ago, as well as all the  armed struggles and bloody involvement of Americans in many wars in the world,   we, the living should be grateful.  For instance, just memorizing   Pres. Lincoln’s immortal Gettysburg address of 1863 can stir one’s soul  and can easily relive and realize  the steep price --- over 60,000 American lives perished --- that our forefathers   have  paid for our freedom today that many Americans  voters now take for granted.
          Fast forward to the  21st century,  our  steepest sacrifice  now is to  pay our fair share of taxes to our  ”government of the people, by the people and for the people”  and our primary obligation is to exercise our right of suffrage  wisely in every election, with  eternal vigilance not to allow any of these hard earned freedoms taken away by anyone, including our own gullible politicians who want to change or control our way of life.  History is a great teacher, that can teach us not only to be humble and gracious but also can and should  inspire us to continue to be ambitious and become better human beings.
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           Every time I participate in our Catholic Prison Ministry (providing Bible Study and Communion Services to the inmates in Orange County jails)  I cannot help but count  my many   blessings that  most people  take for granted. Millions of citizens (was one of these citizens before)    do not  even know nor realize how  inmates  or prisoners live without the  company of their friends and family, food, recreation and above all the luxury and the FREEDOM to do anything that one desires. Yes, they are given food and shelter and even medical care, but those things are never a  fair substitute for the beauty of freedom and family!
       Family is indeed the bedrock of any  society.  Prison statistics shows that the vast majority of the prisoners come from broken families, households with no fathers and/or mothers.  Oftentimes,  the inmates in county jails (by the way,  inmates  are called “prisoners” once they are convicted and sent to state or federal prison) often times they have intergenerational relatives----from grandfather to grandchildren--- in jails or prisons for one crime  or the other.  Many come from dysfunctional families where the old fashioned values of love and respect and industry were  not practiced every day in their lives.
           Without stable families ---- ideally two parent households where the young children are molded to become good citizens----- a stable country is almost impossible to maintain.  It is  the family, complimented and fortified by a good schools,  that plants  the first  seeds in a child’s  developing  mind to become his own person,  to reach his full potential as a human being that is carried on upon leaving the  parental nest till he dies. What is learned and internalized during  the first years of a child’s life, good or bad,  will live forever.
       Being a part of our church Prison Ministry, like our Rotary work,  is life-sustaining and  quite a fulfilling volunteer work.   Daily, I  recognize  that I am truly blessed that I have a good family that I love unconditionally, and that loves me too.    I truly believe that love begets love. Our family believes that  even our  6-month old, grandchildren  Sofie and her almost three-year-old sister Olivia instinctively know and feel that they are loved, and are showing their love in return.  As they are learning that love starts from the womb to the grave, we are confident that  they too will do the same when they grow up.
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         There is nothing more beautiful in this life than a good friendship. It is said that if you find five true friends in your life time, you will have lived a life infinitely blessed.   That is a statement that  I have often  pondered  as many  friends come and go.  Very few of them remain your friends for decades, much less over  a life time. Once the glue that ephemerally binds both of you dries up with the summer breeze or winter snow, the friendship fades away. What then is a true friend?
         In his book, “Rediscover Catholicism”  (highly recommended for Catholics or anyone) the best selling author, Matthew Kelley describes about friends and their attraction and influence in our lives.   He writes: “As a child, I thought about friendship was about hanging out together all the time and sticking up for each other when others were critical or cruel. In my adolescence, I thought a true friend was someone who liked everything you liked and never did anything that upset you. But as an adult, I have learned that the defining characteristic of true friendship is someone who encourages you to be all you can be and challenges you to become the best-version-of- yourself. It is these people who tend to energize and invigorate us. What types of people do you like being with? What types of people energize you?”
                 Mr. Kelley continues “For this reason, when I have time to spend with friends, I try surround myself with people who make me want to be a better person. I admit they are not easy to find, but when you do find them, they are more precious than any treasure or pleasure this world has to offer.  If you want a litmus test for choosing friends, use this question: Will spending time with this person make me a better person?” …. You will learn more from your friends than you will ever will from books.  Therefore choose your friends wisely!”
               What a profound advice to a man in search like  me! At this stage of my life, however, I think I am more discriminating in choosing my real friends who I want to be with,  either in person or in  cyberspace.  In the vacuum of true friends, I can still be with many “friends” dead or alive,  through their works or writings, at will, by simply going to Barnes & Noble any day of the week!
               I have enjoyed the company of a few chosen friends, both the intellectual types like authors and philosophers and also the humanitarian and/or religious people who find life’s meaning and purpose in serving others.  I am always  in awe and find great admiration to rare individuals  like Mother Teresa or Mahatma Gandhi, Rizal,  Lincoln  (see the movie!) and Mandela who strived to love their  God more, and did great sacrifice for others.  Their work and  contributions to the world  even the blind can see!  Collectively,  these kinds of people inspire me to become a better person that I want to be.
        Faith like life is a mystery to be lived and believed.  It  should never  be a problem to be solved during our lifetime.  Like oxygen, it cannot be seen but can  be felt deeply   within us.  If we can remain still and quiet, and just ponder why we are here on earth in the first place, faith and humility are automatically breathed into our being.
         It’s a fact of life, that our minds can never fathom nor comprehend many things and events around us.  Even  scientists who are endowed with superior intelligence  believe that there is there is   Mighty Hand that causes all things to exist and perform what they do even  without man’s guidance and control.   These  mysteries are manifested  in  the harmonious order  of our universe, the magnificence of the galaxies in  the sky or the majesty of our solar system.  God’s creation  are made  more tangible for us to enjoy by  the roaring of the sea, the flight of a bird, the growing of a mustard seed into a huge plant and the birth of a baby from the union of a father’s seed and the mother’s egg.
         Faith is life giving;  life without faith is a life without meaning and purpose. Faith is not a religion but spiritual, a way of life. Faith is also believing  that things happen for a reason, and accepting them despite the fact that we often  do not fully comprehend. .  Faith also provides us the humility and the dexterity  to accept  that we are not immortal, that our physical life has its beginning and ending.
        Faith gives us hope for a better life amidst the vicissitudes of life and our man-made vanity  that contributes to our unhappiness and life devoid of meaning.  But faith also gives us the humility to  surrender to a Higher Power, especially in moments when  our body and  intelligence  seem inutile to solve our own problems.
         When all is gone, only our faith, our hope and love (Love is God) remains. The first line of our Jaycee Creed sums it all:  “ That Faith in God gives meaning and purpose to human life!”
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                        “A person is born,   starts to walk, goes to school, finishes college, gets a job,  marries, raise a family,   retires and then just  reminisces his lifetime that may  last a few decades or even 100 years!” Then, he grows old and eventually dies! Is this all there is to life?                                                                                            
                                                                                    Dr. Banna Tiran

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